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Your emergency lifeline!
The fastest way to get help in an emergency.
BlueStar Savior helps any bystander connect to the nearest First Responder or CPR certified person through your mobile phone in case of emergency. It is NOT a replacement for calling 911.
Next time you witness a cardiac arrest emergency, you can help. Sign up now and you can summon the nearest CPR-certified person to help out. The more bystander participation we have, the higher the survival rate. Don't hesitate, sign up and save someone!
If you are CPR-certified, please sign up to save lives in your spare time. You control of when and whether you can help right from your smart phone. The nearest person you save might be your good neighbor.
Not CPR-certified but still want to help? Sponsor us and help in your own way. Your donation will make this service free and available to everyone to save lives.